Elisa is telling the truth ,Jonathan.
Re: Re: A reply to Jonathan from below... -- Elisa Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Dermot M ®

02/09/2005, 08:24:38
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Before I continue, though, count yourself lucky. You're being " Satsanged" then " warned", " Satsanged" then " warned", " Satsanged" then " warned" in the clearest possible way : ) This is good because people are free to join the Prem Rawat personality cult and people are free to recruit people into that cult just as people are free to provide you with  a wider view to consider, before jumping in. Oh, that I had such a complete briefing those many, many years ago!!!

So, notice carefully what Elisa is saying.Yes, it's true Prem Rawat has always said things along those " introductory" take it or leave but come to me if you don't find it lines.In actual fact, though, this is the classic lure into the personality cult. Notice how, already, Elisa is subtly shifting in just a couple of small posts from the " inside you" aspect of things to the over-riding importance of Prem Rawat in this whole thing.She's not really extolling the virtues of what's in you and how you can tap into it but rather the virtues of Prem Rawat. This side of things gets more intense and focused upon as time goes on.After a while, if you follow this path, you'll be sitting in front of him.....at his " nice side of me" events listening to tales about the importance of the Master and the importance of gratitude to said Master i.e. him. It's baloney, Jonathan, baloney.If you really get into it you'll even end up at one of his " nasty side of me" events ( training sessions and the like) and you'll accept this as part and parcel of things.Sort of, degrading insults ( providing they come from the Master to you and not the other way round) are necessary and acceptable. Again, it comes down to personality cultism.

If Prem Rawat, Elisa and others really stood by the " introductory" stuff then they could just as well say " Sat Pal's org, my org, a book, the EPO site, Buddhist sites etc all detail meditation techniques. Make your choice and do it if you like. Bye bye." But of course, they don't.

If you want to sit alongside your wife and meditate, without feeling you're missing out on something absolutely essential, then just do the techniques.Believe me, the experience is no different if you praise and revere Prem Rawat or if you don't. I, Finchy, Hamzen etc etc can say this truthfully whereas those still attached to Master Prem Rawat can't, for obvious reasons.Probably, Finchy, Hamzen etc consider the act of meditation has a bit more significance than I do, say. At times I find it relaxing enough depending on how I feel but I'm not, particularly, looking to gain anything from it other than that. Horses for courses. Also, in your wife's case, when she looks very focused meditating she could well be thinking of sex, shopping, praying to Prem or considering a divorce The point is it boils down to mental focus and concentration without " over doing" it and trying to "will" your way into a more settled state. I reckon that it usually takes 20 minutes or so before there's some sort of experience of " focus".That's just me, though. Also, if I'm honest, I find that half an hour or three quarters of an hour Yoga asanas ( if done correctly.....extremely slowly, stretching, rythmic breathing, concentration etc) is a far better buzz and experience, plus you end up with a spring in your step too !! Again, horses for courses.

Any extras you get from the Prem Rawat route are, in the grand scheme of things, not real, true or necessary. Go for it if you wish but don't be fooled into thinking that you've found the one and only essential Master. Again, that's baloney. IMO,you are an adult and, as such, you don't need Ron L Hubbard, Sat Pal Maharaj, Radha Saomi, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Sai Baba, Rev Moon, The Torah ,Prem Rawat or any other person or book ( past or present) to guide you constantly on the " path of life". IMO, it's great being alive .....I love it and hope it continues.....but here we are now and soon we'll be no more. End of story. Do what you wish to do to enjoy your life but don't be hoodwinked into the world of Masters. Again, that's IMO.

You obviously don't need me or exes, either!! Then again, I or they aren't offering to guide you and your life to your very dying breath. Just passing on the benefit of my ( our) experience. Take it or leave it ,haha.Unlike Prem I'm genuine about that. He's not. He'd love you to join the ongoing circus of devotion. See the difference?



Modified by Dermot M at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 08:50:24

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