Real premies don't mess with psychics or sunrises...
Re: No, I have Knowledge. I just thought it funny that a psychic said it. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
San ®

02/09/2005, 07:03:40
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I remember an incident in Florida where a bunch of premies were all going to this guy who was a psychic and a healer and having a great time with positive results.  I think Marolyn was either going to him or thinking and talking about him with her buds.  Prem poo-pooed it, saying something to the effect that if you have Knowledge, you don't need any stinkin' psychics.

Same thing happened, allegedly at a sunrise or sunset in California when Prem was driving along with his wife and some premies.  They parked the car and jumped out to watch the beautiful colors in the sky as the sun did its thing.  The way I heard it, Prem stayed in the car and said when they returned that if they knew who they were with, they would have spent the time looking at him and not the sun and its colors.  

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