Re: Kissing feet of parents is a traditional Hindu custom, I thought
Re: Yes -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Andries ®

02/09/2005, 03:57:19
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SSB advocated that children kissed the feet of their parents. I don't know any Westerner who put this in practice though.

Parents are considered the first guru (teacher) in traditional Hinduism. Second is the wordly teacher, third the spiritual master, fortu, the cosmic guru, the avatar. Source "The encyclopedia of Eastern philosophy and religion" ISBN 0-87773-980-3

There is a scripture (Mahanirvana Tantra 8, 25) that says ''Regarding his father and mother as visible incarnate deities, he should eve and by every means in his power to serve them'' "Mataram pitarancaiva saksat pratyaksadevatam matva grhi niseveta sada sarvaprayatnatah" I dunno the status of this scripture though.


Modified by Andries at Wed, Feb 09, 2005, 03:58:43

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