but I don't want to seem to stereotype jews. I think Jewish kids tend to grow up in homes that are somewhat more liberal and open to ideas. Perhaps they are encouraged to be open minded, which is very postitive, but does make them more vulnerable to cults.
It did not seem to me that premies at least were drawn from blue collar families. They tended to be the kids of upper middle class educated parents and had been expected to become professionals. A generalization. The Jewish families I know and knew tended to be successful. If Jews are disportationatly represented in the upper middle class professional families then that might be why Jews were overrepresented as premies
I always found it interesting that there was no interest ( well almost no interest ) among poor blacks and very little among cuban immigrants. I think that people who are "streetwise" may see it as a scam. Also, they may be too busy just trying to get by to be concerned about enlightenment.
Interesting that in Asia and maybe South America ( I do not know the socioeconomic group the cult preys on there ) that people seem to fall for it from the lower classes. Why? Just looking for any ray of hope?
I am also speculating that if you looked at the upbringing of the Jews and Christians in the US who joined you probably would find they don't come from families who were deeply invested in their faith. However, the exception there would be the also seemingly overrepresented Catholics. Who knows maybe all the guilt instillation made them feel right at home.
Rites and Rituals won't reach the goal, Jai Dev, Jai Satguru Dev.