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Re: What can the poor guru do if the student's a lout?... -- Joy Wisdom | Top of thread | Forum |
Long, long before I formally left the Rawat personality cult one particular thing always bugged me. A whole lot of my premie friends.....good friends, close friends, they know who they are....whenever commenting upon or discussing anything would invariably end up quoting directly from Rawat or taking a perspective that was clearly Rawat's.I used to think and say " Christ!! Can't you ever think for yourself.... just the once?!!!" It was just automatic with them. Perfectly natural. It was one of the things that really spurred me on to see the absurdity of robotic, unthinking " devotion". Once Kabir was sanctioned by Rawat then anything Kabir had said became gospel. I'd say Kabir was more sincere than Rawat about his misty, mystic mumbo jumbo. That's about it. Other than that.... Now to digresss. On TPRF or somewhere ( maybe EV) there's a clear statement that Rawat lives on " independent means". There's no mention to the general public that his Real estate worldwide, his planes, yachts, multitude of cars.....the clothes he wears and even the food on his table.....is a direct result of living off his sycophantic devotee's. If he was completely upfront about this then at least that would be something. Still weird but at least honest. He isn't upfront though. He lies and deceives. Unfortunately for the revisionists, though, he's left a paper trail to prove he's a deceiver. On the EPO site you'll be able to find a copy of the letter Rawat wrote to his followers many years ago : " Dear Premies By the united efforts of all of you , Durga Ji and myself have moved to much more suitable residence in Los Angeles. It is a large, beautiful house with all of the neccesary arangements to facilitate my work. The most important aspect of the house, though, was your love for me which caused you to respond in the way you did. It is a very good sign, for it shows that you experience the peace and bliss contained within my Knowledge. This what really makes me happy - when you are happy. So my Blessings and thanks to you for your dedication and devotion for this new house. ( signed) Sant Ji Maharaj " Here are some questions for you. I know your inital response will be to focus on the parts of the letter that mention his " work" , the " love" , the " experience" and the "this is what really makes me happy- when you are happy". Fine. Will you also, though, take off the sycophantic hat of blind devotion you wear and answer me honestly and fairly? 1. Where now he goes to great lengths to trumpet his " independent means" as if he's done a Bill Gates or something and earned his worldwide wealth from business not from devotees donations, don't you think it would be more honest of him to tell the truth? Even put up that old letter as actual proof to the general public of today? 2. Do you think he now comes across as a drug dealer trying to hide the real source of his assets from the public at large and from the Mayor's he's touting for " awards" ? 3.Do you think there's a chance that John McGregor also contributed to the vast wealth Rawat now has? Do you think, then, that some of the hundreds of thousands of Dollars Rawat has paid lawyers to humiliate John wasn't gained from " independent means" but from John himself and others? 4. Do you think Kabir would think this was all a blissful gas? Modified by Dermot M at Mon, Feb 07, 2005, 09:16:25 |
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