Come off it, Joy Wisdom
Re: Neither Kabir or Maharaji is faulty. Some students are louts, though. -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Neville B ®

02/06/2005, 07:39:31
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I'm not claiming to be a font of wisdom, as you well know. The issue is the infallibility you attribute to M and his message.

You should try admitting that it isn't a universal solution and it just doesn't work for some people. That's because there's nothing divine about it. There's just some meditation techniques with purely physical effects. Some people get off on it. Some seem to get addicted.

There are people posting here who spent thirty years of their lives obeying everything M said, satsang, service, meditation, in ashrams, out of ashrams, everything, and they still wound up with nothing but ashes. That's where you're heading, by the way.

Of course your standard get-out clause is "they didn't do it right". Sure. After thirty years and all that darshan, all that commitment, they still hadn't quite got it quite right...

Neville B

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