If God was one of us, just a slob like one of us . . .
Re: Reply to Neville B - from below -- jonx Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Billy-Bob ®

02/05/2005, 21:18:31
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. . . the problem is Rawat sold this as a bhakti-yoga for decades. You know, Maharaj Ji please, please, teach me devotion. And I'm not talkin' devotion to k, but full on prostration to "His Holy Lotus Feet". Surrender. Not to "Holy Name" but to goom raji. 'Cuz no one could experience k without his grace. And well, as it turns out, he isa slob like one of us. Mind you a slob who liked to dress up in Krishna threads. A slob who had no problems asking us to dedicate our lives in service to him. You know, forgo relationships, career, family, friends. Gladly took our inheritances, paycheques and regular tithes, too. 'Cuz he needed a fleet of the most expensive cars, an ostentatious Malibu mansion, a yacht and a top-of-the-line corporate jet in order to do the Perfect Master's job in style. Thirty-five years on 5000 people from 54 countries show up for three days with his maharajesty. I dunno Jonx, enjoy meditating but take a breather from Prem. It'll do you the world of good.

Modified by Billy-Bob at Sat, Feb 05, 2005, 21:27:00

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