The first time I went to satsang I was 15. It took three years for my resistance to wear down. I think the final straw for me, as I think it was for many of us, was when I finally asked myself, "well what if he really is like when Jesus was walking the Earth. I certainly don't want to miss out on that." (too many "King of Kings" and "Godspell" movies. Sh#t!) From that point on I was a goner. The sillyness of youth! I really didn't like him at first though. I would like to be able to ask, "where were my parents in all of this" but the truth is, I took my mom to satsang and then she got totally into it. We both received K in the same K-session. A big help she was! I became a vegetarian before I got into K and guess what, so did my mom. You'd think parents would show a little more independent thinking!
Thanks for the Ireland links. One of these days I'll make it over there.
Fond regards,