Your answer speaks volumes
Re: Right, you and all your pals have peace. I laughed and laughed... -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Neville B ®

02/05/2005, 07:17:16
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Personally, I didn't abandon my academic career--but I was criticised for this and told I should have stayed in London among premies.

If you want to insist I don't have peace of mind I can't stop you--I guess you are gifted with long-distance telepathy or something. In case you didn't notice it isn't really my peace or lack thereof that's being addressed--it's the premie delusion that they have something special.

You're talking to someone who's been there, JW. I know how screwed-up premies can be. If you looked around you with some objectivity you might see it too.

Neville B


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