I don't see how people can digest lies with their peace
Re: A little perspective always helps -- Johnny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Babaluji ®

02/04/2005, 23:45:16
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I don't see how people can digest lies with their peace without getting a lot of really bad gas.


Yes, "more than 5,000 people" attending a 3 day event in Los Angeles is extremely telling that Maharaji has completely lost his base in North and South America.  Certainly, if there are any premies left in Mexico and Central and South America that they would have made the trip up norte since Maharaji rarely if ever goes to those regions at all anymore.


My guess is that the most people that ever attended a North American event might have been 30,000 people and now I’m thinking that 15,000 might have been a better number.


Certainly, if the 5,000 people came from 54 countries that the number of American premies interested enough to take a long weekend off to hear the “Boss” pontificate must be less than, say, 4,000 or maybe 3,000 premies.


For Elan Vital to say they are viable in the West is pure B.S.


And to put out releases such as this is definitely going to kill the golden goose for sure.  How can people with any intelligence at all accept the statements made without any critical thinking whatsoever?


  1. The art auction.  Oh, my gawd!  Have you ever seen Maharaji’s art?  It’s like something an eleven year old with very less than average skills would create at school and bring home to mommy.  When I was a premie I was visiting a friend who lived very near Malibu and he or his wife/girlfriend had purchased a print of a flower done in watercolor or something that Maharaji had done.  My friend was very proud of it and I’m looking at it and I’m like biting my tongue because it is so pedestrian, so absolutely marvelously LAME.  But, hey, the Admiral raises his flag and you’d better salute or it’s off to the brig for you.  So, you’ve got this stupid auction attended by successful cult-heads who want to impress the “Boss”.  Of course, they are going to overpay for everything.  I suspect the highest priced item was probably something that looked like Munch’s “The Scream” that was entitled, “The Bliss”.  So, exactly where is this $700,000 dollars going to go?  It doesn’t seem destined to help the tsunami victims since they proudly announced that more than $150,000 was raised in a separate fund raising effort for that.  My guess is that the $700,000 is going to be used to pay for new automobiles for Maharaji’s wife and kids and good old Raja Ji.
  2. And then there’s the frequently and not to be forgotten speech to the United Nations in Thailand that in reality was only a speech to paying premies at a facility rented from the United Nations.  Jeeeeezus, are they getting mileage out of that one or what?  How long ago was that? For Christ's sake, are they trying to make that Maharaji's Sermon on the Mount or something?
  3. And here’s a good one, “substantial donations of rice to refugees in war-torn Ivory Coast”.  Uh, didn’t we figure that the actual dollar value of that donation of rice was about $10,000 U.S. ? I’ll bet that when Maharaji was speaking in London where he was commuting in his private jet to the continent every night to be with his puppy dog that he spent more than that in jet fuel, landing fees, maintenance, and depreciation or whatever term they use in the airline game.  There’s simply no integrity to this man at all.


Reading this tripe that Maharaji puts out is absolutely sickening.  And it’s this kind of stuff that keeps me around and wanting to be a voice that is heard asking questions and asking for some real truth and asking for analysis.  It’s absolutely unbelievable.  Maharaji is nothing but a Faustian sell-out.



Modified by Babaluji at Fri, Feb 04, 2005, 23:49:36

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