Jim, we're not going to agree on this issue! Here is why: I can't diminish my view of MacGregor's brave actions, just because he has clearly been intimidated by Rawat's goons into capitulating, in the form of his apology. His actions speak louder than his word, or yours, for that matter.
I think MacGregor needs compassion right now, not your heartless judgment. In your heart of hearts, do you really think that John is any less of a hero because of his post?
His situation reminds me of Ken Kesey's book (and then movie) called One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In the end, when the rebellious protagonist McMurphy had been so completely and utterly devastated by the hospital, i.e. when the hospital fried his brain with so much electric shock therapy that he accepted and succumbed to his incarceration... AT THAT POINT, Jim, do you really think that McMurphy was any less of a hero, due to what the hospital did to him?
You will probably ridicule me for writing this, but I think that Rawat's goons have pumped so much fear and intimidation into MacGregor, that his apology amounts to nothing less than bottled loathing.
Go ahead and criticize my thoughts, Jim...shred them to pieces to make yourself look good!