It's pretty clear that whatever "document" issue went on down in Australia is kind of besides the point. The facts seem clear that the cult wanted to destroy John because he said things in print that Prem Rawat and the premies didn't like.
You can see the seething hatred in the Rawat cult right on the Elan Vital websites around the world and all the gratuitous press releases they distributed trying to paint John as an evil fanatic -- all as part of a campaign to label critics of Prem Rawat as blinded by hate. How does all that look now? Well, Rawat, it looks like you got what you wanted. Happy?
But it's pretty clear it's the cult that has the hate, to the point of actually trying to destroy someone, not only just financially, but emotionally, mentally, even driving him out of his own country.
From what I have observed the Rawat cult in Australia is particularly fanatical. I don't know if it would resort to those tactics in the US or the UK, but, maybe it's in the water or something, Australia just appears particularly Rawat-nuts, and it's kind of scary to see it.
So, I'm sure that if some obscure document got distributed that wasn't supposed to be and that's all that happened, John wouldn't be in the position he is. It's critics that the cult hates. And hatred is the exact word to use.
I think this is just, unfortunately, historically true. It seems fanatical adherents to religious belief end up doing the most damage to the most people. Here we see an example again.
Are these the same people I knew when I was a premie? What happened to them?