Thanks for keeping us informed. I appreciate knowing how you are doing, and the lessons you are learning are important for many people. There is a sense of "humanity" in your words, although I'm afraid some premies will be very sceptical. Mr. Rawat's own humanity is something that noone is supposed to consider, or certainly not act upon; so I'm not sure what the dynamics really are in regard to apologies. If he himself were to reach the "low" point of humanity, how many apologies would he even consider?
I'm glad that you have not rescinded any of the factual content of your writings. Truth needs no apologies, even if it hurts. Conflict happens with cults, it comes with the territory. There IS something constructive to be accomplished for those of us whose lives have been adversely affected by our mistaken affiliation with Mr. Rawat and his teaching.
Don't be a stranger.