Re: Successful fundraiser - TPRF
Re: Successful fundraiser - TPRF -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

02/01/2005, 18:20:18
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The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF) has held a special fundraising event that included an auction of works of art gifted to the Foundation by Prem Rawat.

I wonder where he got the works of art from in the 1st place.

There was that Australian Rawat apologist who used to be so active under multiple aliases, & then let his guard down & boasted under his real name on another forum long gone, that he'd stolen pictures from his wealthy family to feed into the insatiable maw of the Lord of the Universe, when he was a young & impressionable man.

Could be the source, but then who knows.  Someone mentioned once that there were warehouses full of stuff that premies worldwide had sent as gifts to the Perfect Master. Maybe now he's running short of money, he's opening up the parcels.  The odds have to be that amongst all the thousands of tearstained teddy bears, there has to be a lot of really valuable knick knacks just waiting to be sorted out & sold off.

Shades of Christmas Past, or, I won't go there.

He's not that bad, even if he is a ****.



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