I had the same reaction that Joe expounded upon above. It reminded me of Christian groups who try to commoditize or otherwise imitate youth subculture. Of course alot of organisations who are after the hearts and/or wallets of young people do that. Nike is a big offender. Even auto manufacturers try to instill brand loyalty at a young age by marketing to pre-schoolers, as hard to believe as that is. I've seen it with my own eyes. One of the ugliest things I've seen happen in Germany in the last few years is how beverage makers have come up with a whole new line of alcoholic drinks specifically designed to appeal to teenagers, ostensibly because beer was losing popularity among young people. And let's not forget ole Joe Camel.With religious groups it is especially pathetic though. Religions are the bearers of cultural tradition, whereas youth culture is about rebelling against that. They would be better off letting the kids just do their thing. When they settle down and start making kids alot of them will end up back in Church. If they don't, the church needs to start thinking about why they are failing their parishioners, and it isn't the lack of Christian rock.
Rawat, like all cults has a special problem, since he is supposed to be the subculture alternative to traditional religions. It would seem that he is having a real branding crisis at this point. He don't got cool and he don't got tradition. In the pseudo-science of branding there is a stage where a brand starts to die. I think it is safe to say that Rawat has reached that point, at least in the west.
But the thing that I most thought pathetic about it all was that it so much reminded me of the efforts we made in the 70's. It's like 30 years later they haven't made any headway at all and are back to square one.
Oh, but you were commenting about the designs, weren't you? I guess I got sidetracked. Well Jim's wonderful post above says it all. I can't top that!