Yeah, rrrrriiiiight.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't Maharaji's kids home schooled by private tutors.
Let's see, Wadi might have experienced some of what you say when she attemped to go to the University of California at Santa Cruz and quickly dropped out, but I don't know how or why the other students would have even known her father was the head of a cult unless she told them. I certainly doubt that she was wearing Guru Maharaji buttons and handing out leaflets on campus. My guess as to why she didn't last long was that either her private home schooling inadequately prepared her for the rigors of the UC and/or that after so many years of growing up in a pampered cocoon ala Malibu Rez that she was unable to transition to a more normal lifestyle like most young adults when they leave home.
Think about it!
Was Wadi living in a dorm? Or did they rent a house or a modest apartment for her? Did she have a driver with her? Or a servant?
And I feel sorry for her. That's must have been hell.
Think how dysfunctional you would be after growing up like that. I feel sorry for Maharaji's kids. I mean, there's no way they will be able to make it in the world on their own. Thus, we see them entering the family business ala Visions and what-not. But, I suspect its a huge financial burden on Maharaji to support them in the way that they are accustomed. And I'd be willing to bet that he still supports his brother Raji Ji. So, it becomes interesting to know where Maharaji gets all his money since it's quite obvious that his expenses must be huge. Oh, that's right, it's either money he's earned as a private investor or old family money. Yeah, right.
And what about Hansi? I think he's returned to the fold, but for the longest time there was only an empty seat for him in the front row. Was he off serving in the military like Elvis? I think that "something was going on in L.A." (Jiva). I heard there was a feud. I could be wrong. Just the old premie grapevine making noise.
Also, kids from Malibu are not normal to being with. And being a member of the Lord of the Universe's family really puts one outside of the bell curve. Make no mistake about it.