Murdered Mahatma Has My Watch?
Re: Both have a lot to hide.... -- Toby Top of thread Forum
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01/31/2005, 10:59:18
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When I was in India for the 1972 Hans Jyanti, I spent a lot of time with and traveled outside the ashram to a small town once with a certain non-English speaking low-key mahatma.  At the end of my stay, he asked for and I gave him my watch  -- which my grandfather had given to me as a gift upon reaching manhood in my early teens.  The mahatma, who was one of Prem's nannies when Prem was growing up, was a young mahatma at the time of Shri Maharaji and stayed a mahatma during Prem's run until the split between the litigating guru brothers, I guess.  He was a carpenter at the big Delhi ashram in the winter, took care of the water system at the "farm" ashram (out in the countryside) in the spring, and in the summer traveled and gave Knowledge in the Himilayan mountains and hillsides (prior to the time of the now defunct mahatmas who travelled up there with self-powered-genrator video machines in the late 80's showing videos of Prem -- at the UN and Harvard, hahahaha).  (Excuse my ignorance of the proper names for the seasons, which might have different names, like rainy season, and something else and something else.)  When I returned to India almost twenty years later, I inquired about him, but was unable to determine his whereabouts.  It was implied that he was dead -- killed.  (With my watch on, I guess.)  What a shame!  The now deceased "saint" can be seen smiling with his long black hair and beard in the old 35mm films (prior to the video days), like "Satguru Has Come," in the scene showing Prem's father with his Mahatmas all decked out in pink jossling and elbowing each other for closer position (like roller derby contestants) as they all walked down the dirt road just behind the Master's Master, dressed in white with long gray curling locks.     

Modified by OTS at Mon, Jan 31, 2005, 13:53:07

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