thankful for life and especially the particular one I have.So you think my mind is tricking me into thinking I don't want peace? 
I hope this isn't just a subtle way of each of us trying to convince the other one that they are deluded. In all honesty, the only thing I want to convince you of is that inner peace isn't a universal goal. I hope you can be sincerely accepting of that possibility and not just think that people who choose other directions are simply kidding themselves. I know that in the "old days" it was the general belief that everyone is in their hearts searching for fulfillment that only Knowledge can bring. But as we already talked about, that is indeed only a belief.
I have to ask myself the same question now. Can I be accepting that you are not deluding yourself when you say that the inner peace that you have found through Knowledge has brought you true contentment? I'll have to think about that. 
Okay I've thought about it. Yes I can accept that. In fact alot of people I know are more or less motivated in that direction. They are also the ones who try to force me to lie on the beach with them. Yuckk.