1. The Prem Rawat Foundation (purpose to promote Prem Rawat) seeks donations specifically for humanitarian relief in response to the 26.12.04 Tsunami.
2. Despite numerous international agencies having services on the ground within days - TPRF takes the a month to say what it is doing with the money it has collected.
3. TPRF (purpose to promote Prem Rawat) having deliberated for weeks, transfers the money it has collected to Jeeva Shakti Society Ltd - not a charity, not required to publish publicly available accounts - the primary purpose of Jeeva Shakti Society Ltd - to promote Prem Rawat.
4. Jeeva Shakti Society Ltd is claimed to be preparing and distributing food - the TPRF spin sheet makes no comment about how JSS Ltd is co-ordinating with the all important NGOs who are meeting most of the food needs of those affected by the Tsunami. Good practice already defined by the NGOs on the ground requires that a key development in rebuilding after a major disaster is the involvement of 'victims' directly in meeting their own needs wherever possible - thus community kitchens and distribution systems are run and controlled not by the 'non profits' but by local people. TPRF seems set against this by its support for JSS Ltd and RVK as perpetual 'soup run' operators.
Effective disaster relief depends not on simply feeding/clothing/housing people - it depends upon giving back people control of their lives and their environment, if the relief is delivered without expressly giving control to local communities it risks making those communities both physically and psychologically dependent on well meaning but ultimately unsupportive agencies.