Is Rawat simple in-the-head ?
Re: Some people are smiling -- Yadot1 Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
gerry ®

01/27/2005, 20:45:35
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People love miracles, but when a cow eats green grass and gives white milk, it isn't considered a miracle. It would only be a miracle if the milk came out of a rock, which shouldn't happen because rocks were not made to give milk. In this body, without any effort, breath comes in and out. No one sees that as a miracle, but that is the real miracle. Until we recognize that, we will not understand what we have been given.

What a funny little bundle of cow manure Mr Rawat has built into a whole pile of Bullshit. I want Rawat to stop talking about cows. He has no business talking about cows. His very mention of cows is a insult and a put down to bovine worldwide.

Prem, you stop that this very minute! And why are your eyes so squinty and baggy? Are you drinking before noon again?


Modified by gerry at Thu, Jan 27, 2005, 21:55:24

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