You tell them, Yadot
Re: Re: And at Millennium, the Greatest Event in the History of Mankind -- Yadot1 Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pauline Premie ®

01/27/2005, 19:47:22
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These ex-premies should get lives.  Talking about the past?  Only people with cold feet and issues do that and we know what they are like, don't we?  Going to hell in a handbasket, that's for sure.

I know you would never do that.  You are like Jon Ellis and  have evolved beyond that, and I'm sure, like him, you were  really disgusted to the point of nausea, to think that people think about the past, when it was less than  perfect.  If it's perfect, well that's another story.  Weren't you glad they didn't show up for the event?  Good riddence.  Loosers!


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