Hi LA EX, all those things fit right into the story, and I'm sure we could think of a lot more.
Good point about the period before Millennium. I agree that was the most honest and innocent period. Unlike now, when you came to satsang, you knew full well about darshan, and worshipping the lotus feet and that he was the incarnation of God and all the rest. Also, you could receive knowledge if you had gone to satsang for a month, or even a lot less sometimes. Lots of people received knowledge after listening to satsang for one day!! There was none of this period of programming before you were considered "ready" to "have the experience."
It was also kind of exciting, not the dead process it is now. We really thought we were bringing peace to the world and it was very exciting. Everything led up to Millennium, and that was, well, kind of a letdown, to be sure.
Did you go to any of those "parties" that Rawat had in the mid-80s? Did you actually see him smoke, drink and eat meat? Was that weird to see?
I hadn't heard that Rawat was making the moves on premie women in public. I always thought it was done quietly. Dettmers said he basically served as a pimp for premie women for awhile, setting up sexual liaisons for Rawat with them, but had enough of it and refused to do it anymore after Rawat wouldn't talk to the women after he had sex with them, and he was forced to deal with all the emotional turmoil.
But I guess it made sense that he would do it at conferences, away from Durga Ji. Dettmers said that in Malibu those sexual acts took place in hotel rooms, not at "the divine residence."