Dear Cynthia,
I believe Maharaji has two boats, one is called the "Holy Name" and the other is called the "Holy Word".
He uses these boats to go out and rescue people who are drowning at sea.
He's also got this other vessel called "His Love and Light" and you can use it to cross oceans as well.
I know this because not only is Maharaji is my brother and he is also my friend.
If we get hungry he makes nectar flow from his feet and if it gets dark, he just speaks and the darkness flies away.
But the wierd thing is that wherever I look my mother's face is before me.
I find this rather strange because I also see my father's face.PS You can also cross the ocean by your "Devotion".
I'm not sure what your "Devotion" is, I guess it could be another boat maybe you've got a plane as well.
Anyway, look forward to hearing from you or perhaps meeting you in the River of Maya.