Re: Bringing Maharaji into the flesh
Re: Bringing Maharaji into the flesh -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

01/27/2005, 16:25:45
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You've made a valiant attempt with those two posts Joe, to think yourself into the mindset of what could be called a diseased personality, & quite possibly your analysis is accurate, but I don't believe we'll ever know for sure.

The striking thing about him for me, after I'd assimilated all the hitherto hidden information, & rid myself (with much help from others) of the last cobwebs of magical thinking, is his single mindedness.

One of the very 1st Divine Light mags, I think from late '71, had a photo of the 12 yr old Lord of the Universe on its cover. He was wearing a pilot's uniform.

34 yrs later he holds a clutch of licences, all of which require many years of application to gain, & for someone who has never been an airline employee, an unimaginable amount of money spent on hiring the aircraft necessary for him to prove his practical competence.

I don't think he's ever had any scruples about what he's done, & in a way it would be unrealistic to expect him to. In mentality he's a throwback to an earlier age of expendable serfs, unquestioned obedience, & the Divine Right of Kings, Indian style. 

The incredible thing is how he managed to transplant that to the West in the '70's. I guess we know some of the reasons.......the main one being the meditation trick.

In my view he's incomprehensible in our terms. Now that Google is going to put the entire C19th holding of one of the Oxford libraries on line, we will eventually be able to read the obscure monographs which contain the perceptions of those long forgotten individuals who had to make sense of the likes of Ranjit Singh or the Rani of Jansi. 

The clue to the way he thinks, I reckon, is to imagine yourself more in the world of Sheherezade, than in the C21st.

I could be way off the mark, but it's fun speculating, & in any case, fuck him.

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