The proclamations about how "everyone" feels
Re: This is satire, right? -- Marshall Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

01/24/2005, 12:27:23
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So true, Marshall.  Oohs and ahhs everywhere.

What I always find interesting (and it's something that goes back to the beginning of the Rawat cult in the West), is how people who describe Rawat's events are so sure how "everyone" responds to him.  For example, after Rawat told some stupid joke the writer knows inately that:

"Everyone laughed with appreciation."

See, not only did they ALL laugh, they ALL had appreciation.  It was that kind of laughter and came from EVERYONE.

When Rawat came out on stage:

"The applause went on for a while with smiles of gratitude beaming from the faces of everyone."

Everyone is "beaming" and has not only a smile, but everyone has a smile of "gratitude."  No different kinds of smiles and no one is NOT smiling.

Absolutly everyone laughs with, appreciates, and has "beaming" faces in grateful response to Prem Rawat.  Absolutely everyone.  There are never any exceptions and there cannot be any because God is in the room.  That someone might be offended, bored, grossed out, uncomfortable, or anything but a group-high zombie in the presence of the Perfect Master is just beyond possibility.

Note to "potentially interested persons:"  This is not a group that tolerates individuality or conflicting attitudes.  Translation:  CULT.

Modified by Joe at Mon, Jan 24, 2005, 13:19:39

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