Just promise me one thing
Re: I have found another really beautiful website -- Pauline Premie Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

01/23/2005, 00:01:02
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I have a real problem with this kind of attack on someone's physical appearance which, of course, is hardly their fault (except on those rare occasions when it's actually the Lord himself who chooses a body to incarnate in to bring world peace.)  No, I think it's rather mean and undignified to make fun of Maharaji's jowls that way.  And it doesn't really help him in his work, now does it?  How can people concentrate on his mind-numbing speeches with this kind of negative stuff out there?  It's hard enough to listen to his rambling, pompous foolishness without remembering how much he looks like a ugly, plump gopher. 

But just promise me one thing, please.  Promise that you won't start making fun of his fleshy, squinty eyes too.  That would be so easy but again, I don't see how that could make Maharaji's work any easier.  I mean, if ever a guy was behind schedule and needed a helping hand, it's him. 

Peace out!

Modified by Jim at Sun, Jan 23, 2005, 00:02:25

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