Reclaim your territory
Re: The cult of Attribution (to Prem Rawat) -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

01/22/2005, 19:15:55
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I remember an amaroo program where he talked a lot about reclaiming your territory which has been taken over by mind. It was the same one with a rather nice song about pouring rain being played a lot.

I took it seriously but had no idea that it would end up with me reclaiming my territory, not from my idiosyncratic mind, but him.

And indeed the blessings have come pouring in. Okay okay I can kvetch with the best of them, and have difficulties to face, but I am happier, just plain out much more comfortable in myself and generally happier. As this is nearly five years ago now, I think that cannot be dismissed as a temporary effect.

Dunno about the risk taker theory, I would think that it could lead to more babies not less. Ah well.

Imagining 'Yadot' doing anything as strenuous as logical gymnastics is a giggle, but I figure he doesn't like going so far as to rub two thoughts together,....he just says what he er 'feels' to.

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