Re: Prem Rawat's Boobs and His Glorious Dancing
Re: Prem Rawat's Boobs and His Glorious Dancing -- Pauline Premie Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
george ®

01/21/2005, 09:01:59
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oh no! is this divine punishment for leaving the lotus feet - having the agonizingly embarrassing experience of seeing this stuff in the cold light of day and realizing there is a good probability you were a member of that completely stunned audience? aaaaghhhh -  that yada guy is right - how could I have been such a dumb schmuk?  I've decided on hiding behind everyone else and calling it mass hallucination - well, aided by some (rather badly) orchestrated theatre.  Look at the first clip, just a few seconds in how he pastes that smile on.  It explains the dislocation you feel when you meet up with the miserable bastard in other contexts.

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