You tell them Yardot
Re: Re: Definition In Terms -- yadot-one Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Pauline Premie ®

01/20/2005, 14:47:09
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You are so right.  All these ex-premies should get lives and stop living in negativity.  I mean, man, premies aren't negative because they are right, always right.  They know that Prem Rawat is the source of all that is beautiful and that we live to be with him.  Everything else is negative.

One thing that I have learned frequenting this forum for the last few weeks, is the total lack of beauty. This forum is the pits. No love, no heart, no feeling, nothing. Just bitterness, ugly stuff, negative vibes, no hope, just s-h-i-t.

That is so beautiful man.  And so, like, not negative or anything like that, because premies are never negative, and ex-premies always are.  And anybody saying that is a closed system is just, well, negative.


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