The great lie again
Re: (Somewhat OT) Shocking examples of devotees' loyalty to their guru -- Andries Top of thread Forum
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bill ®

01/03/2005, 07:14:57
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Andries, the deception of the devil may look "very beautiful and elevating", however, as the quote below shows yet again, it is always the same damn lie.

"All of them only wanted to reveal the universal way towards truth and the realization of the divinity inherent in everyone - the true inner self. Their only aim was to share this experience of life with mankind, to enable mankind to experience what life really is, real freedom and true, unconditioned happiness. That is all they wanted."

The same damn lie rawat claims in his new years letter trumpeting how great he is.
gee, all we have been doing is telling the truth.......they claim. Yet it is the biggest lie. It is not what life really is, it is not what is freedon, and it is not what is true.

It is the -since the beginning- lie that ensnares man.
It is the permanent lie of the dark side.
YOU can be god.
There is not god but you.
The door is open for you to attain the great oneness.

It is not beautiful, it is the ugly lie.
It is not elevating, it is what will wreck your life.

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