I just donated to the Red Cross for International Relief
Re: Please welcome a new forum member How About This! -- Admin Top of thread Forum
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How About This ®

01/02/2005, 01:31:34
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Normally, I would remain silent as I believe that charity is a private matter.  But, today everywhere it has become a public issue and a proud badge to wear.

To see Maharaji try to use the tsunami as a recruiting tool is very upsetting to me because he has a history of using contributions for his own personal comfort and lifestyle which virtually none of us will ever know.

Maharaji's tax-exempt organizations or charities are shams for the purpose of tax evasion and not for giving to the neediest or for helping relieving suffering.

To play in Maharaji's world requires an above average income to fly off to Australia and pay excessive fees for a simple tent erected by unknowing volunteers in a cattle pasture.

Shame on Maharaji for taking advantage of the suffering in the Indian Ocean region.

Give to a legitimate charity organization like:

http://www.redcross.org - Red Cross

http://www.ifrc.org/ - Red Cross Red Crescent


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