Hilltop, read your post of Dec. 19th
Posted by:
judypudy ®

12/31/2004, 21:50:49
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Dear Hilltop,

Happy New Year! Just got back from a trip and was glad to see your post. I know you are busy with the girls and the holidays so it meant alot to me that you took the time to write.

The forum has and still does serve a great purpose in informing those about Rawat and for those who want to express their feelings about their experiences. I'm glad that I'm able to read, post whenever I want to whether it be daily, weekly or yearly. I'm sure the forum will continue to evolve and change just as we have over the last few years. What a trip, eh?

Mostly, I'm glad that we connected and continue to stay in touch (when we can, of course). Who'd of thought that two young kids who were in a cramped room in an ashram in New York City on June 19, 1972 would have connected 30 years later? Still kind of blows my mind. And meeting my soul mate through this forum blows my mind even more. Thanks for your well wishes. Being in love does wonders for the heart and soul.

I only wish you happiness and joy for you and your family! And good health too!!

Drop me an e-mail...I have a new address at jlreitman@yahoo.com. Love to hear from you when time permits so stay in touch.

Best always,

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