Re: Seasons greetings. beautiful persons
Re: Seasons greetings. beautiful persons -- nya Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

12/25/2004, 05:26:50
Author Profile

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Global warming has ensured that it's not very cold here in the South of England, indeed the sun is shining and it's possible to go out without a jacket ! Not exactly Beach-Party weather though, all the same.

So ,warm Christmas greetings to you Nya ( whoever you are )

and all the lovely ex-premies and premies and somewhere -in-betweeners who post on this forum.

A special Christmas hug from me to the Anonymous Mods who do a brill. job and JHB for devoted EPO site admin. ( and of course Gerry for all his past and present energy ).

....and a big kiss to all of you in your cosy Ratholes wherever they may be........ 

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