Re: That alternative was not presented
Re: I gave up half way through -- Tempora Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Paddy ®

12/24/2004, 15:36:08
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Hi Tempora,

In the quiz I did the proposition that a belief in evolution as an alternative to a belief in a creator didn't appear. Was that an actual option or were you wearing your evolution is not an alternative to a belief in a creator coloured spectacles?

I also find your belief 'that Rawat was once a "true master", with a gift of "higher consciousness", but has since gone bad' very unlikely. It seems that the idea that Rawat has always been an immature, ignorant and venal person fits the facts far more closely but I find Jim's idea that you could hold that belief as "wishful thinking" pretty unlikely as well. It seems to be a worst case scenario to me.

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