A true humanitarian
Posted by:
shauna ®

12/23/2004, 18:02:30
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Something really struck me watching Oprah today.  She went to South Africa this year on a mission to help the children who are victims of poverty, oppression and disease.  These children have parents who often have HIV or aids and many times are left as orphans. These children are often ravaged by the same diseases and poverty.  She has raised 7 million dollars already to help these kids.  They all got x-mas presents this year, new uniforms and books for school, new shoes, etc.  She is also getting the HIV meds to that disease stricken area.  These people never had that there.

Now Oprah is a billionaire, wealthier than Mr. Rawat I'm sure.  But her true compassion for people really resonates as to who she really is.  She is a real humanitarian and is truly interested in helping people worse off than herself have a better life.  What is Maharji doing to help people at all?    Is there a shred of humanitarianism in him?   NO!  It is so clear, in comparison, how greedy he is!  How does his presence and this "knowledge" help people at all?   Bottom line is it doesn't!   Everything he does, he does to line his own pockets!  Why doesn't he really help with peace on earth--like the basics of food, clothing and shelter for people who are on the brink of death if they don't get these things.  He doesn't care, believe me.  I once heard him say he would never give a beggar anything because they would be back on the street tomorrow begging again.  Does this sound like a compassionate humanitarian to you?

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