What's the difference between Maharaji and Ronald McDonald?
Re: What 's the difference between Maharaji and Santa Claus? -- Bunny Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

12/23/2004, 09:08:57
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  1. Both are television personalities.
  2. Both use subliminal advertising on the unsuspecting.
  3. Both hawk harmful products.
  4. Both wear funny clothing.
  5. Both talk ridiculously.
  6. Both walk like a chicken.
  7. Both represent large, financial corporations, and their interests.
  8. Both have the same "feel good (but only when you use my product)" message.
  9. Both have dark secrets (RM: what's up with RM and the Hamburglar?; M: x-rating, extra-marital relationships, drug use, etc.)
  10. Both have sworn enemies (RM: the Burger King; M: ex-premies)

Modified by Jonathan at Thu, Dec 23, 2004, 16:09:48

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