Hey.... I resemble that remark!
Re: Is it a "Redneck Christmas"? -- premie_spouse Top of thread Forum
Posted by:

12/22/2004, 10:18:24
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NAR = New Age Redneck

Actually I agree with Marshall (see???? it CAN actually happen that I agree with Marshall) and others that it would be a GREAT cover for LL Bean or Cabela's or something like that.

If it didn't have the word "Amaroo" in it, I'd like it alot.

Additionally, as to your redneck comment........ it isn't a broken down trailer in a swamp, so it cannot possibly be, by definition, a redneck place.  It has to have wheels and one of those wheels, at the very least, must be replaced by a jack/lift with the flat tire laying close by....... c'mon..... you know the redneck rules, don't you? 

Modified by NAR at Wed, Dec 22, 2004, 10:34:59

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