You were a hero Mike - I think you've forgotten
Re: Re: Journeys(from Hell) to see Rawat ( thrilling action packed post but a bit sad) -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sir Dave ®

12/21/2004, 20:09:55
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I remember it well because I was on the coach that you were driving through Germany, sitting at the front and I saw it all happen.  There was a huge pile-up on the autobarn in front of us and your only chance of avoiding the mass of crashed vehicles in front was to try to squeeze past on the hard shoulder through a tiny gap between the crashed vehicles and the crash barrier.

We scraped along the crash barrier for quite a while before coming to a halt and we all considered you a hero for keeping your nerve and avoiding what could have been a much more serious crash.  Yes and I also looked at what was on the other side of the crash barrier and it really was a steep drop down to God knows where.

Anyway, I think the local police gave us some tea or coffee, if I remember rightly as you gave them a statement.

Regarding the other road accident where the guy walked in front of the speeding car in France.  I was somewhere in front of him approaching the cafe and despite people warning others that the traffic was going the opposite way than in Britain, I had to really make myself look left first to get across that road to the cafe and realised that this was a bit dangerous because the natural thing for Brits to do is look right.

I heard a bang behind me and the next thing I remember was the guy lying practically dead on the grass verge.  I can't remember if you were in my coach then or not (I don't think you were and there were several coaches) and I don't remember Lexy being with me then either but all the satsang that was given afterwards fell on deaf ears.

I was pretty shocked how one of our coach party could die like that and we could carry on as if nothing had happened.  Well perhaps people were covering it up in Maharaji's grace but it was a tragedy and I guess people had to rationalise it within Maharaji's world.  Deep down I expect most people, including you, felt very saddened by it.

Modified by Sir Dave at Tue, Dec 21, 2004, 21:47:11

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