Pop Quiz for Today
Posted by:
Will ®

12/21/2004, 09:57:24
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What is the date and place of the following Maharaji quote:

"This Knowledge is for all human beings.  I have come to this planet to give peace to this world!  It does not matter what the color of your skin is, if you are rich or poor, this knowledge is for everyone.  If you live in one place, do propagation where you live! If you are traveling  the world, do propagation where you are! "

a. 1972, Hardwar

b. 1973, Delhi

c. 1975, London

d. 1983, Boise, ID 

e. 1996, Malibu, Trancas Market 

f. 2004, Jaipur, India


And the answer is:  




 - Maharaji , Jaipur,India 29 november 2004


  Hard to believe, but that's what they say over at the premie website called  "Hearts Feel the Gratitude."

Related link: http://pwkindia.bravejournal.com/
Modified by Will at Tue, Dec 21, 2004, 10:13:32

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