Re: Jonathan!
Re: Jonathan! -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jonathan ®

12/21/2004, 09:35:40
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Hi, Cynthia! Forum 8 looks great. Hopefully the Ronald McDonald of cult-dom and his goons aren't disrupting it.

After my Sig (Significant Other) expressed interest in attending the LA event, my response was that, despite my strong objections, I would not prevent her from going. But, her interest revived my distaste for it all, so I went to Elan Vital's website. It seems like they have notched up the noise, with that press release info bemoaning this forum and its participants (10-20 people, my ass!) as an "internet hate group."

Well, I need to give the press more credit than Elan Vital does. So far, the most press the Fat Clown has received has amounted to an article in a fringe Canadian business journal. On the other hand, the Australian press has given EPO laudable coverage.

Happy Holidays, Cynthia. Please let me know if there is anything that needs doing for EPO.




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