Re: Mystic Shmystic
Re: Mystic Shmystic -- NikW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

12/18/2004, 19:11:50
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Banhart's persona is a throwback to the 1960s - an ear that he says he feels connected with. Perhaps that partly explains his indirect Indian connection.

That's gotta be it...the ear...stick your thumbs in them & you get connected to the Celestial Harmonies, which is the obvious link between pre-scientific European thought & the immortal wisdom of the Hindus, as filtered through the last 250 yrs of mutual confusion.

that's an in joke btw

It strikes me that Rawat has an ever smaller hole to hide in; the dots are being connected; the truth about what a ghastly little shit he is, is there for him to refute, should he wish; he's lost the Internet War of Words.

He's Fucked.

The very long overdue Freedom of Information Act(UK) comes into force on Jan 1st '05. Despite the powerful smell of burning wafting over Whitehall, I doubt that anyone has got rid of the files on DLM.............I mean, why bother.

All suggestions as to how this could be exploited will be treated in strictest confidence.............who said the English aren't hypocrites .


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