Yee-haw.... and I be delighted to accept that thar inv-eye-taeshun
Re: 3 day event in January in LA with you-know-who! -- Joy Wisdom Top of thread Forum
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12/18/2004, 17:49:31
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Thar'll be a-square dancin' afterwards and a-sing-songin' and sneeeek preeeeview of them thar keys.  Sweet Jesus, what more can thar be to tickle the heiney of a redneck laaak me?  The keys, the keys, my ranchouse for them thar keys!

But hold-on-thar....... thar maat be mower.... any one of you buckaroos a-hearin' 'bout some toe-kissin'?  C'mon..... let ole Clem in on it!  It be nigh onto a coons age since I smelt them lotus toes and I ain't a-gonna wait any longer....

Who's with me?  YEEE-HAWWWW Brazos!

Now whare's that carn-sarn new-fangled smartey card thingy...... Dammit, boys, which one of you rattlesnakes a-been in my wallet?

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