Siblings of a Shared Trauma
Posted by:
San ®

12/14/2004, 19:36:32
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Dear Siblings of a Shared Trauma,

No matter where we came from

No matter who we are

No matter what's our income

No matter if we're a star

We have one thing in common

We all went through the same

Heart wrenchingly experience  

Of Prem Rawat's Master Game

So no matter if we differ

On some obscure footnote

Or have some disagreement

About his cars and boat

We all need to remember

When we're talking to an ex

There is a bond of unity

That goes beyond your sex

That part of us that got messed up

Reflects among us all

And we can get our mojo back

By catching our siblings fall



Modified by San at Tue, Dec 14, 2004, 19:37:22

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