Re: Prof. Dr. Paul Schnabel about the DLM
Re: Prof. Dr. Paul Schnabel about the DLM -- Andries Top of thread Forum
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Cynthia ®

12/13/2004, 17:37:31
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Hello Andries,

Yes, that's quite accurate and there was so much more.

"The message of the DLM focuses completely on the person of Guru Maharaj Ji. Divine love and truth manifest in him. One can have part in this by surrendering totally to the guru whom one will always follow. If one does this then one will become conscious of one's core inner self (Knowledge). One experiences Knowledge during meditation of which there are four types: meditation on light, on sound, on the name, and on nectar."

There were many ways that "one's core inner self" was described:  Being placed in touch with the primordial vibration of life; meditating on the essence of life or the power of life that drives one's very life through the breath meditation technique; and being connected, through meditation, to Prem Rawat, a/ka/ Guru Maharaj Ji himself, personally, premie to master.  You see, we were told to practice to "constantly meditate and remember the Holy Name," during our day or else we were "in our minds."  Being in our minds was very bad according to Prem Rawat.  He often yelled at premies for focusing on the mind.

"Apart from the meditation, the DLM knows yet two other basic rules i.e. satsang and service. Satsang means here discourses in which the Knowledge is propagated, in which one testifies of the omnipresence of Maharaj Ji, and in which advice is given to solve problems. Service means here to serve and fulfilling service. Every member is expected to do effort for the movement, for the propagation and for its preservation.

Satsang, service and meditation were the key orders or agya that a premie must do in order to fulfill Maharaji's prescription to practice Knowlege.  Practicing Knowledge meant to "do satsang, service and meditaion.  "Never delay in attending satsang," meant that a premie must go to formal satsang meetings every night, 7 days per week.  It wasn't enough to just be with another premie who was "giving satsang," unless that person was an Initiator/Instructor.  (Any former Instructors here might laugh at this, but community premies placed greater value on Initiators/Instructors than the "common premie.")

There were also the five commandments.  And naturally, if one accepted Maharaji as one's Perfect Master or Lord, any personal agya he might give to a premie would have to be obeyed without question.  In addition to that, as Bunny said, it was imperative to go and see Maharaji and "receive darshan."   That's what "keeping in touch" is all about:  going to live Rawat programs.

There was a time during the 70's that tithing one's income or giving 10% was the best way to perform service, but service was also an act that one did by helping out within a premie community however one could.  Maharaji often said that aspirants could not give satsang or perform service because they had not yet been revealed the source, therefore, were unable to speak about any experience, or truly serve Maharaji.

Ashram premies sang arti twice per day (per Maharaji's orders/agya). It was sung every night at community satsang meetings unless there was an introductory program.  Introductory programs were tailored to newcomers so arti was never sung then, except maybe during the very early days, when everything was still hanging out there, without inhibition about saying to anyone Maharaji being the Lord, Perfect Master, and Christ come again on Earth.

The premies that I knew who were "plugged in" (to satsang, service, and meditation, and who were considered "practicing premies" rather than "spaced out premies" considered him to be "all powerful" (or omnipotent), "all knowing" (or omniscient), and always present. 

"The guru Maharaj ji takes a central place in the presentation by the DLM. He is the perfect master who can reveal the truth to everybody, who has the answer to all questions. The DLM always tries to refer to the guru in its advertisements. One tries to recruit new members by organizing lectures, introduction evenings, and by sending propaganda material."

This was true in the past and is true now.   "The Truth" meant the experience of Knowledge and the fact that Maharaji could reveal Knowledge (which encompassed following all of Maharaji's prescribed agyas as described above).  He did this by by teaching people to tapp into the very life force that Maharaji claimed that was keeping us alive.  The logic behind this was that if someone (Prem Rawat) had to ability "reveal" the source of life itself to all people, it followed that he had to be the Lord of the Universe, because who else but the LOTU could do something as fantastic as that?

Your English is fine, Andries.  But, I very well could be "in my mind," and I trust that if I got anything wrong, that others will correct me and tell me "that was just your concept, Cynthia." 

Best wishes,

Cynthia, in my mind as much as possible now 

Modified by Cynthia at Mon, Dec 13, 2004, 17:48:58

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