The American justice system is self-immolating because of its Trump hysteria
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Jim ®

04/20/2024, 11:52:39
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First we had that Antifa idiot lighting himself on fire in support of Hamas. Yesterday, we had that Obama and Biden supporter do the same outside Trump's trial in New York. 

But no one can reasonably deny that the justice system in New York is itself self-immolating in its zeal to destroy Trump. Everything about the trial is so fake it's almost too much to imagine having to explain so. It's blatantly self-evident. From the Soros-prosecutor who doesn't give a shit about the skyrocketing real crime in New York and who, like the other Soros-DA's around the country, couldn't care less about protecting the public (because, don't you know, that's all part of the agenda -no you don't, well it is), who ran on a single campaign promise, to get Trump, and who has cobbled together the most absurd legal theory imaginable, one that no one with a straight face can possibly justify, to the jaw-dropping power play of a judge whose daughter makes millions lobbying for Biden not recusing himself, and on and on. 

I doubt that anyone here knows shit about the details of this mess but I also assume no one cares. Reason and principles, even the supposedly seriously foundational legal ones that in some respects define America, are out the window. 

But, right, it's Trump who's in a cult. Hahaha

So no one's lining up to debate me on this. John predicted that when he unblocked me. I thought more of you all. I thought you'd at least be serious enough to try to argue your corner. I guess he was right. 

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