Re: Man arrested on suspicion of infecting 22 people with Covid-19
Re: Re: Man arrested on suspicion of infecting 22 people with Covid-19 -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

04/28/2021, 11:39:21
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well there goes the neighbourhood.  How in heck does he get permission to pollute the skies like that.  oh I guess the same way our councils have got permission to sell off our foreshores.

so here is my little Tesla story.  I bought a Tesla solar battery.  and when it was installed the technician installed a Tesla app on my phone.  There is nothing physical to show you what is going on with the battery you need the app.  So one day my app doesn't recognise my sign in anymore.  I try and try and reset password umpteen times, I go on the Tesla website and try all the help or contact links, all to no avail.  So I contact the people who installed the battery and was lucky to link up with Lydia the lovely lady who will not rest until my app is restored to working order.  Finally we reach this position - now get this - we have been given advice by Tesla to delete app and reinstall it but it doesn't delete.  You cannot delete their app.  Once installed there it is on your phone.  I was able to update it but not delete and it still didn't work.  well yesterday, because they are in business with Tesla, Lydia was able to get a phone number to ring.  I rang the number and got an American voice on the line.  He revived my access by giving me a Tesla password.  I am now a happy customer, right?

well I am still happy with the battery but Elon Musk has gone up the list of potential doomsday bringers.  Not just the non-deleting app, not just the stinky satellite attack but also the fact that he's so darn popular.

oh another thing about that app - all Tesla customers have the same app, whether it be a car or a solar battery you go through the same portal.

It's not just the degradation of our environment well destruction is probably a more accurate word, it's us.  Obviously it is hard to tell, but it seems to me that our species has issues above and beyond other animals.

It's the middle of the night and I am awake with a cup of tea and the cat curled up beside me.  Cats are really good at sleeping aren't they.  I woke up thinking about the pain people feel in the intimacy of their families, I think that's what woke me up.  I am pretty good at sleeping too.  Had a nice cup of tea, feeling sleepy now, getting ready to return to the fold... 

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