Re: Why isn't the MSM carrying this QAnon story about the Suez ship????
Re: Re: Why isn't the MSM carrying this QAnon story about the Suez ship???? -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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04/03/2021, 02:13:47
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It's hard to imagine the perspective from which these mad beliefs seem valid. But then, I remember the exasperation of my Dad, in the face of four sons telling him some Indian kid was the Lord of the Universe, on the evidence of some secret knowledge that can only be experienced on the inside, that is, subjectively. We were basing our objective realities on a mad illogical interpretation of a subjective experience. Science didn't help. I gained a science degree in the thick of it. I understood genetics and biochemistry and evolution, and there was no room or need for a lord of the universe with that understanding. And yet I was able to compartmentalise to still have room for those mad beliefs. I'd read somewhere that it was a sign of maturity to be able to sustain conflicting beliefs at the same time. So I took that idea on board right away. I had the conflicting beliefs, so it was easier to not analyse that little declaration and regard it as an acceptance of a complex world, rather than let the ideas clash and see what stands at the end of some effort of objective analysis.

Anyway, with the news of the stuck ship, I understand why the delivery of the slave children I ordered from the Clinton foundation has been delayed.

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