Re gut feeling
Re: Re: There, it's over -- 13 Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
lesley ®

11/10/2020, 11:48:00
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I have a lot of respect for gut feeling.  I am horrified at how easily one's connection to it is disabled.  As premies it was squashed under the god delusion - you don't know any better, God knows.  and in a toxic relationship it gets squashed under the partner's lies.  And yet gut feeling is a life saver - it's the thing that stops you stepping on a snake.  
How does it do that.  Your eyes are not on the path and yet you have become conscious there is danger and stopped still.

It seems to me there is a part of me that is doing calculations - they're accurate and fast.  I'm generally entirely unaware of it, just like I am unaware of what most of my internals are doing, but at emergency times you become more aware of it.  Like when I rounded the bend and there was a cow in the middle of the cutting and one part of me is making the calculation of how much brake how much swerve while the rest of me is only now registering the cow and the lack of time or space to get round it.

I'm persisting with the vibrations conversation because I am interested if this is a way of navigating that is different like bats with their echo location maybe sensitives navigate by the vibrations of emotional eddies or something like that, and we were talking about an autistic child we had in swimming he went berko with the fractured after-school energy that came in with the kids.  

anyway so it's not reliant on vision.  when I was 10 and getting knocked down by a speeding car outside our home my mother was miles away and she was getting up from the table in a posh restaurant in the middle of dinner with her parents in law and insisting she needed to go home now.

These stories are legion, to the point it has it's own name - maternal instinct -  but it's gut instinct isn't it, and I just accept it's the same as the rest of my being - gut instinct runs on the lines of love.  the hawk that pounces on a mouse from on high loves it's prey.  Me freezing instead of stepping on a red belly black snake loves me.  Look it's all a bit dot and carry, does the me blundering into a paper wasp love me any the less?  well if you talk to a vibrationalist they will have plenty to say on that subject.  Just brace yourself for the five lettered K word.

so yes it is a bit disturbing, the conspiracy theory/QAnon thing, it seems to have a wide grip so that you get right wing conspiracy theories coming out of the New Age quarter. and talking about the New Age something is going to happen on Dec 21 oh we move from Jupiter to Saturn and there might be a portal opening up to the dawning of the new age.  I mean is this all about selling ice cream in Alice Springs? 

gut instinct is where the rubber meets the road.  my experience has been that no matter how squelched it is when the point comes that my survival has been at stake I find my gut instinct is doing everything to get it's message through to me so I think maybe the tide of bullshit will inevitably turn as our survival depends more and more immediately on it doing so.

personally I'm pessimistic - I see it as maybe a moment of clarity, ah, I have been pounced on by a sabre-toothed tiger and it is about to chew me u......

but there is also hope in me.

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