Cleaned up and reposted, but who cares?
Re: Re: Not nevermind! -- eDrek Top of thread Post Reply Forum
Posted by:
eDrek ®

10/31/2020, 12:15:37
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I told my story of woe where as a child they drum the Pledge of Allegiance into your head. I thought it was about 'witches' in the part that goes:

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Ok, I wasn't the smartest 2nd grader.

But, really the Trojan Horse within the Pledge of Allegiance is the part of "and to the Republic".

Ok, I really didn't know what a Republic was in the 2nd grade. Color me stupid.

But, I know what a Republic is and it's where the popular vote just doesn't matter and we're controlled by 'battleground states' and 'swing states' and according to a friend of mine the Electoral College protects the states that are not heavily populated. And that person said that the Electoral College will overrule the popular vote in order to avoid having the 'wrong' person as President. Ah, the wisdom of the Electoral College!

Hello! Hillary Clinton. Yes, she would have been a much worse President than Donald Trump, but the Electoral College saved us. Clearly, the Electoral College made a failsafe decision by putting Trump into the Presidency.

And then my friend starts going off about the 'Founding Fathers' and I could tell that he/she was almost tearing up in a patriarchal emotional overflow. Ok, this relative is a male. Hail, all Founding Fathers. They knew what was best for us and we should never challenge their inherent wisdom that included slavery and prevented women and others from voting. I just heard from Kamala Harris that black women have only been allowed to vote since 1965.

And the interesting thing is me and my friend started off this conversation where my friend made the statement that in a few days we'll be able to tell Trump that he's fired. So, my friend is, thankfully, smart enough to know that Trump is a piece of shit, but that Hillary Clinton would have been a much worse President.

Of course, my friend is a life long Republican male, so someone like Hillary Clinton would be nothing but bad news and on and on.

Anyway, my friend wisely changed the subject because my friend doesn't like it when I stand my ground and start sounding like I know what I'm talking about.

But, seriously, as if this hasn't been serious, as an American  (1) I'm disappointed and (2) I'm very much afraid that Donald Trump could win another term due to the Electoral College.

It's funny, the US is all about helping monitor elections in other countries to help ensure that the elections are fair and free, but what the hell do we have here at home? It's unfair and it's not free. And what Trump and the Republicans are doing to suppress the vote is cheap and cheesy dictator stuff right here at home.

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