Republicans don't want Americans wearing masks, because they want Americans to catch COVID-19
Re: Some new COVID news -- karenL Top of thread Post Reply Forum
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karenL ®

10/30/2020, 12:31:34
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(writing in Wall Street Journal)  internist Joseph Ladapo says," begins his anti-mask manifesto by looking at why health officials began insisting that wearing masks was important. He’s correct in saying that the discovery of asymptomatic transmission was a major factor. He’s hugely incorrect in saying this is “a weak rationale” for masks. He’s also hugely deceptive in citing as proof a study that looked at how face masks and other factors worked against flu, and representing it as a general study on a “respiratory virus.” It’s not." 
"This is a medical doctor attacking not just the entire basis of human trials, but delivering a backhand to the entire scientific process. The reason you look at results of specific tests is exactly because they can tell you something about the general experience. If they cannot, someone should call the vaccine manufacturers and tell them to stop the trials.

But all of this is only leading up to the main theme, to the point where Ladapo pulls off his own masks and gets down to what he’s really selling.

… mask mandates have the unintended consequence of delaying public acceptance of the unavoidable truth. In countries with active community transmission and no herd immunity, nothing short of inhumane lockdowns can stop the spread of Covid-19, so the most sensible and sustainable path forward is to learn to live with the virus."

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